Should You Carry Pepper Spray?

Through the marketing of these products, women are being told we need some kind of external weapon to be successful in resisting an assault. It’s just another way that our bodies are under attack. The message is that we are lacking, insufficient, and weak and must rely on a weapon like pepper spray in the absence of a strong man to protect us. Continue

What the Cosby Case Can Teach Us About Rape Trauma Syndrome

The high-profile Cosby sexual assault cases should raise public awareness about the tragedy of isolation resulting from rape. Since everyone knows someone who has survived a sexual assault, it’s important we all understand the psychological aftermath of these assaults in order to best support the survivors in our lives. Continue

The Power of Telling: Survivors of Sexual Assault Speaking Out

Contrary to our instinct to hide traumatic experiences, the quickest route to healing from rape is to talk about it– with a friend, a counselor, or even on a hotline. Many years ago, I volunteered on a rape and battering hotline and nearly every call I took ended with the caller saying she felt better just having talked about it. Continue

Learn From My Mistakes: A Carjacking Story

Often, people get injured in a carjacking not because the perpetrator planned on injuring them but because they were frustrated that the victims didn’t do what they were told to do efficiently enough – in my case: “Leave your purse in the car.” There was nothing in my purse that was worth my life, but I wasn’t thinking clearly at the time. Continue

California’s College Sex Consent Law

The law stipulates that a person must communicate an “unambiguous yes” to sex and further states that someone cannot give consent if they are drunk or unconscious. This should be obvious, but we know from looking at the statistics that it is not, and there are plenty of assaults against women that occur under these circumstances. Continue