Number of participants: Maximum 20-25

Length of training 4-5 hours *

With the understanding that the Covid lockdown had a significant impact on the social and emotional growth of young people, we created this version of our training to focus on solutions to many common (and challenging) social situations that young people find themselves in today. In addition, we introduce physical self-defense training for worst-case scenarios.



  • Dating and party safety
  • Safety in public situations
  • Social Media Safety
  • The power of nonverbal messages
  • The keys to consent


  • How to say “No”
  • Skills for setting and enforcing verbal and physical boundaries
  • How to Identify and resist harassment
  • Interactive role-plays

Physical Techniques

  • Techniques to resist a physical assault
  • How to use your strengths against someone else’s weaknesses
  • Strikes to vital areas practiced on male instructor in protective padding

*Longer versions of these trainings are also available.

Contact us to schedule your training today!  (909) 553-4869